Report Generation

The reporting functions in Clooz allow you to output information of your choosing for display in the Report Viewer, and subsequently, export the report to various file formats (Adobe pdf files, MS Word documents, MS Excel spreadsheets, rich text files, HTML files, Comma Separated Values (CSV) files, Image files, or just plain text. The full list of available reports appear under the Reports tab on the main screen of Clooz. Standard reports are included for all of the major record types in Clooz, with several layouts and record groupings provided for each. Further customization of the final report output is done in the Report Viewer.

The design of the report layouts in Clooz has been done to make the reports most useable for the typical user. An assumption has been made that you probably only have a regular size printer supporting Letter/Legal/A4 paper sizes. Some Information RecordsClosed Information Records in Clooz hold the content information coming from a document or other source. These differ from a Source record that contains most of the citation information describing the docment, or the Repository record referring to the facility or online service where the document was found. (such as censuses) would require a tabloid size paper to replicate the same table structure used when editing the records in a readable font size. Therefore, rather than attempting to replicate the format of the original document in the report, the priority has been placed on producing a readable report containing the required data within the available space. Numerous options related to this space utilization have been included allowing you to customize the resulting report to best meet your reporting needs.

In addition to the reporting function in Clooz, a feature is available to directly output the contents of an individual record (and all of its components) to an Excel worksheet file. The layout of the data in this spreadsheet file will more closely resemble the original template structure (especially for tabular type Information Record templates).